A Multidisciplinary Investigation
We deeply respect your expertise, which is why we are reaching out to you. As we embark on this project, we recognize that we need to conduct interviews with individuals like you, who have spent much of their lives in various industries and professions and can provide invaluable insights into the issues and changes we'd likely encounter under millennial circumstances.
Our project is a collaborative effort, and we have been interviewing individuals like you for the last couple of years. We expect to talk with about 50 - 100 more individuals this year before we feel confident we've gathered enough good content and ideas. Your contribution, along with that of others who have worked in various industries, is crucial to understanding the issues at hand.
Usually, we need about an hour of your time, sometimes more. We can conduct the interview in person or online. We take notes and record on digital audio to get your thoughts and ideas correct. And we would like to cite you in the acknowledgments of the final book. If possible, we'd also like you to review the final draft of the chapters that you contributed to before we finalized the book.​
Here's what we are expecting of those we will interview.
First, ​we'd like you to
spend some time thinking about the Millennium
in relation to your expertise and profession.
Details about the circumstances of the Millennium can be found in many sources, including the scriptures, church manuals, and General Conference talks.
Here are a few links:
​Chapter 37 from "The Doctrines of the Gospel Student Manual"
Chapter 45 from the "Gospel Principles Book" ​
We think Robert L Millet's book "Living in the Millennium"
is an excellent book on events we can expect.
We'd also like to have you contemplate the factors that will be in place.
Just a few include:
No War / Murders / Crime
No Poverty
No Hunger
No Greed
No Discrimination
Equal Social Status
More Truth / Less Falsehoods / Lies
A Theocracy
An Increase in Knowledge & Inspiration from above and those around us
​A change in the makeup of earth's inhabitants
The need and time for transition, rebuilding & rethinking the way forward
The jury is still out on the need for Money, the situation with Pollution, Energy, Food, and the need for Marketing / Advertising. ​But this is why we need your input.​
We have also prepared some questions and will share them with you. We've discovered that the more interviews we conduct, the more questions we modify or add. We will send you the most recent version.
For now - some of those questions are:
What are the current roadblocks or issues keeping your industry from doing its best?
(funding, bureaucracy, lack of transparency, international competition or just good science) -
Could there be new revelations, understandings, technologies, or societal factors that could improve your industry / profession?
How will the millennium factors and changes influence your field?
What stays the same?
What changes?
What would / could / should change?
How does that change happen?
Are there any downsides / alternatives?
What is it we don't know?
We are truly grateful for your potential contribution to our project. We hope you will see the vision and the essential need for having this intellectual discussion, and we look forward to the possibility of working with you.