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Call for Essays / Articles

If you'd like to submit an article - we are seeking 1,500 to 4,000-word essays / articles that are well-reasoned, intellectually honest, and incorporate scriptural or source references whenever possible. The content should be related to specific academic disciplines or concepts, as detailed in the following paragraphs. 

All submissions must be in English and sent as a single PDF file or Microsoft Word Document. They should adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style and may be single or double-spaced. Please note that all accepted manuscripts are subject to editorial revision and shortening. 

As an author, you are responsible for obtaining any necessary rights to photographs / illustrations and for ensuring compliance with the U.S. Copyright Code. You also certify that you are the sole creator of this work and have not substantially based it upon the work of any other person. Any other contributions to this work should be appropriately cited. 

By submitting your work, you agree to allow us nonexclusive rights to publish it as a part of a larger compilation with your appropriate credit line to appear in the publication. Authors retain copyright to their work. We agree to send you a copy of any publication(s) containing your submission. Any distribution of royalties or other income received from such publishing would be based on common decency and fairness as well as mutual trust and shared equally between contributors after reimbursement of any publishing costs.

By submitting an article for publication, you confirm that you are the corresponding / submitting author and that we may contact you to communicate with you about the article.

Submissions may include, but are not limited to: 

-  Writing about a specific discipline such as art, architecture, philosophy, health, language, economics, temple work, journalism, law, urban planning, social order, government, transportation, the sciences, history, education, etc. (writing in general or specific about an area within the field). 

-  Or write about specific concepts such as agency, diversity, language, family life, culture, transition, and time. What changes? What stays the same? How does change in society, government, agency, morals, or other areas affect your field? If the roadblocks are removed, if budgets are increased, if knowledge and truth flow more freely - what does that do to improve, discover, implement, or solve problems, or help create more perfect systems?

Surprise us - what haven't we thought about? 

Remember, the goal is to speak about how these fields / concepts could be played out under known doctrines about the Millennium. But be bold and raise questions, be stumped, have no idea about some things, or even come across as uncertain or generalized under certain circumstances. 

We are not trying to say this is how it will be, but rather draw some fairly logical outcomes, expand the thought processes, engage a reasonable imagination, open minds to possibilities, and back those ideas up with citations, scriptures, or other possible evidence that come from the knowledge and experience in your field of specialty.

Please Attach a Title Page to Include:
-   Title of Essay / Article
-   Full name(s), academic degrees, and affiliations of authors
-   Name, address, email address, telephone numbers of corresponding author(s)
-   List of keywords
-   Abstract (less than 250 words) 

For the article proper, include (as necessary) the following:
-   List of Abbreviations
-   References 
-   Figure Legends

You may submit early work, a rough draft, or an abstract at any time for review, feedback, or suggestions. We have been actively recruiting many scholars for articles and would love to engage with you before you finalize your topic and / or writing. This early feedback process is designed to support you in your academic journey.

Final Deadlines for Submissions - TBD - Likely mid-year 2025
Selection, Revisions, Editing - End of 2025
First Printing - TBD 2026

Submissions & Questions
All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled electronically, ensuring a smooth and efficient process for you. We are committed to making the submission and review process as convenient as possible. 


Submit all papers, questions, and concerns to the editor - Rick Porter at

All submissions will be acknowledged by email after receipt.

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